Thursday, March 26, 2009

Crappy Day

So today starting with an email that was complaining about the work I did. Then my friend calls to tell me he might not make it to help paint my house on Sunday. Then I get a nasty headache because I always do when it rains. Then a shoot I'm planning takes a turn for the worse. Then I get a ticket on my car.

I know, it could be worse. I could have broken my arm, my house could have fallen into a big sink hole, or my car could have exploded on the drive home, but the check engine light is on and I need to get a minor repair.

But still, it's like everything waited for today to go wrong. I just want to go to sleep and forget this day ever happened.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Do you know that feeling when you discover you've been doing something wrong for three days? At dinner tonight I'm discussing how I'm not having any success snaking my kitchen drain. Wiser people tell me to call the plumber. I say forget it all they do is bring in an electric snake. My dinner companion says, isn't your drill electric? Drill, what the heck are you talking about? You know the drill you put on your snake.

Crap, I thought it was odd that my snake was missing the crank handle. I even looked for it under the sink, no handle. That's not the where the handle goes, idiot, that's where the drill goes.

Wow, I guess it's been a long time since I used that snake. And now all the bruises and cuts on my hands seem silly. 

I have managed to get past the turn that was causing me grief and I've found more mushrooms and carrots. Damn the mushroom and carrot eater! Anybody who knows me knows those things didn't come from my house. I haven't broken the clog yet, but I'm hopeful thanks to the genius idea of using a drill.

But the big question in my three days of failing to snake the kitchen drain is why hasn't the mushroom and carrot eating neighbor called the plumber? It's obvious that they clogged the drain.

EDIT: The mushroom and carrot eater is off the hook. The handy drill actually worked and the drain is snaked. Join me in the happy dance, why don't you!