Saturday, January 24, 2009

Left and Right Tampons

Okay, I'm a little scattered when I'm watching TV. I half pay attention. It can really annoy some people. You need to know that to understand why this tampon commercial confused me so much.

There I am watching the spinning tampon, thinking something other than, "wow, I need tampons right now." And up pops an "L" and an 'R" on the screen. The half of my brain that is watching the TV is immediately confused. Left and right? When did that become necessary with tampons? Left of what? Do I have the right parts? Did something change in women's anatomy in the last few years when I wasn't paying attention? I mean nobody told me my parts were any different than anybody else's. 

Honestly, this is all running through my head in those 20 seconds or so. It takes me about another minute to figure out it was for Light and Regular. It was a multi-pack of tampons. Phew, at least I don't have to learn a new procedure for using those left and right tampons.

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