Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dialing the Devil

You know when your ass dials the devil at 7 am, your day isn't going to go well. For some reason, when I put my phone in the back pocket of my jeans, my ass is able to make numerous calls. Numerous! My butt cheeks are able to unlock the phone and actually dial numbers and hit send. And when nobody answers, it dials another number and hits send. It's amazing to me. It's as if my ass is lonely and really needs somebody to talk to.

This morning I'm up at 6 am, and it's my day off! I'm renting out my studio, and like the insane nice person I am, I say 7 am is fine. Of course, I arrive at 6:30 am, phone in back pocket and start painting some chairs. During that time, my phone dials several people including the number 666. At 7:30 when the person renting the studio finally calls, I notice the strange sent call to 666. Well, long story short, several phone calls and three hours later, dude never shows up. I'm sure my ass was trying to tell me something.

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