Today is the peak bloom day for the cherry blossoms. I had a shoot scheduled. I thought it would be best to get downtown early so I scheduled hair and makeup for 8 am, which means I was at the studio at 7:30 am. I'm usually not even up by 7:30. But there I was at the studio on a rainy Wednesday waiting for people to show up. Some did, some didn't. The shoot never happened.
Each year I dream of doing a model shoot in the cherry blossoms. They are so beautiful but so short lived. It's hard to plan something with a moving bloom time and with all the spring rain. I've never been able to pull it off. I'm trying again on Sunday but the funny thing is the cherry trees I want to use aren't in bloom yet, they bloom two weeks later. So I mis-scheduled this shoot as well. Some things aren't meant to be.
It makes me wonder why I try so hard to achieve things that the universe doesn't want me to do. Of course, it would be easier if the universe would just tell me to give up instead of throwing obstacles in my way. It's hard to tell what is suppose to be a challenge to overcome and what is a road block to completely avoid.
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